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Career coaching

What is

WHAT is Career coaching?

Career coaching is for those of you who are finding themselves on a career crossroads. 

You may want to move up in your profession or in your organisation. You may be facing redundancy of find yourself on a crossroads, and want to take this as an opportunity to review your career path, or take a different direction. You may just want to be happier at work, find a better work-life balance or be able to deal better with day-to-day demands in your job. 

In  other words, career coaching is where a coach (that would be me 😉) supports you in setting and achieving your career goals and aspirations, and reaching your full potential at work. 

This means that I can help with: 

  • Deciding on the next steps in your career

  • Navigating a career change

  • Preparing for a promotion or an interview

  • Building confidence

  • Dealing with toxic workplaces or tricky work situations

  • Setting goals and holding you accountable for achieving the steps towards achieving them and

  • Supporting you through ALL the emotions that go with making changes in your career

Who I help

My clients typically are women who feel stuck in their careers.


You are often mid-career, you have a lot to give, a lot of untapped potential, a lot of dreams and things you still want to do. You feel restless, frustrated or downright unhappy. 

Also, I have a particular soft spot for the generalists amongst you: the creatives, the multi-passionates, the women in change, the change makers, the multi-potentialites. 

Why? Because you are a super human! You can do LOTS of things! You have LOTS of interests! Making choosing what to do next ... tricky. Making FOCUS and ACCOUNTABILITY often an issue for you. 

But also someone who has BIG DREAMS and the skills, the creativity and the determination to make them, to make CHANGE happen. 

Benefits of coaching

My coaching provides you with a unique combination of creativity and accountability

What that means? 

It means that when we work together our focus first is on creating clarity, on what you WANT, based on what you discover about yourself. 

I believe that you need access to your creative brain to create that clarity: access to your imagination, your ideas, your vision and your sense of play

But once we've got that? It's about keeping you focused and accountable to make the change you want actually happen. 

Wherever you find yourself in your career, we can create a coaching plan that supports your goals and fits around you and your lifestyle! 


£150 per month

  • One private coaching session per month

  • Email support between sessions

  • Minimum 3 month commitment


£250 per month

  • Two private coaching sessions per month

  • Email support between sessions

  • Minimum 3 month commitment


£350 per month

  • Four private coaching sessions per month

  • Email support between sessions

  • Minimum 3 month commitment





(Payment plans available)

  • Six individual coaching sessions over a period of 3 months

  • Access to tailored materials, resources and exercises to help you move forward between sessions

  • Unlimited email access

  • Follow up call

Clear on what you WANT, but want accountability and focus to make it happen? This is for you!



(Payment plans available)

  • Twelve individual coaching sessions over a period of 6 months

  • Access to tailored materials, resources and exercises to help you move forward between sessions

  • Unlimited email access

  • Follow up call

You KNOW you want to change careers, but have trouble identifying what you want to change TO? This is for you. 

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