Career & creativity coaching for professional women
Terms and Conditions
I like to be open and transparent, and I would like both us to know where we stand before we start coaching.
Which is why I am stating my Terms and Conditions here.
So that, when you decide to enter into a coaching relationship with me, we can focus on you and your objectives.
All new clients agree to these terms when embarking on coaching with Tineke Tammes Ltd.
Contact me if you have any questions: info@tineketammescoaching.com
For individuals - Payments take place up front for all major credit cards via payment processor Stripe.
For companies - Payments take place up front via BACS bank transfer
To hold your first session I require payment 5 working days in advance. This will allow me to send you 3 pre-coaching emails with tips to get you focused on the coaching journey ahead. Until payment has been received you can't start your coaching journey.
Payment plans
On request we can agree a payment plan which will be operated via payment processor Stripe. Stripe handles the payments. I won't see or hold your payment details.
The payment plan option is designed to spread the cost of the coaching programme over a period of time to make it accessible and manageable for my clients.
Please enquire about the details of a payment plan for your particular chosen coaching programme.
The payment plan does not reflect the number of coaching sessions per month, or the frequency initially agreed and will remain the same, even if changes are made to the coaching schedule.
Any discounts will be valid for a limited time only. This will be made clear to you from the outset. Discounts cannot be applied to any other offers. Payment plans are not eligible for discounts
Changes and cancellations
I understand that your time is precious and I am happy to work around your schedule.
However, if you need to change or cancel a scheduled session I require 24 hour notice.
In turn I will give you 24 hour notice if I ever have to reschedule or change a session.
I commit to being punctual. I expect the same from you.
If I am late for a session, I will make up the time lost, either at the end of the session or at an arranged time. If you are late the time lost will not be made up and you will lose valuable time and benefit from that session.
If you miss a session completely, that session will not be made up.
Please note: if you miss a free Discovery Session slot without notice and want to reschedule, I will request you to book a one off coaching call instead. If, following this call, you book a full coaching programme the charge for this call will be taken off the charge for the full programme.
Termination and refunds
It is my intention to inspire you and to help you to make change happen. My commitment is to work tirelessly for your success and your satisfaction. However, I can’t take responsibility for your results – only you can do that.
If, for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied after your first 30 days, or you decide that coaching is not for you, I will stop the instalment plan or refund the remainder of the fees, no questions asked. A £100 administration fee will be applied. After the 30 days trial you will be asked to commit to the programme.
You will be charged the sessions you’ve used in the first 30 days or any you’ve cancelled within 24 hours of the agreed time of your next appointment and I will refund you the remainder.
If you are on a payment plan the 30 days trial will be calculated based on how many sessions you've had and deducted from your first instalment. If there is more due we will require the balance to be paid before we can cancel the next instalment. Please check with me before you sign up to avoid any confusion.
I will provide refunds only as stated for each individual programme.
Results achieved
I like to help you achieve results. Often clients achieve results quicker than anticipated.
If this happens you can continue to use the contracted number of coaching sessions within the timeframe we've agreed. I will not refund you for the remainder should you choose to stop your coaching programme.
Evening and Saturday sessions
I offer a limited number of evening sessions (5 - 9 pm UK time) and sessions on Saturday afternoons (2-4 pm UK time).
If you require evening or Saturday coaching sessions, so you can plan coaching around your work schedule, I recommend you mention this in our Discovery Call, so that I can check availability.
Evening coaching sessions are limited so I recommend that these are planned in during our first coaching session. Until payment is received these slots are not confirmed and can be lost to other clients.
Your results
The results you achieve depend on your openness, effort and time commitment in the process. Everyone is different and so are the results achieved, which means that I cannot give you guarantees.
However, if you participate fully in the process, come prepared to the coaching sessions and carry out the actions and/or exercises in between sessions, you give yourself the biggest chance of success.
To get the most out of your sessions it is recommended that you:
turn up on time or 5 minutes early,
have done your homework or actions
come prepared with a notebook and a pen to the sessions and
allow yourself the time to distance yourself from your day job.
I require you to minimise all distractions during the sessions and turn your mobile phone off.
I would recommend not to schedule a coaching session at 5 pm if your work finishes at 5 pm for instance, allowing yourself to stretch, relax, prepare and being mentally present to get the best out of your coaching session.
It is not the responsibility of the coach to make notes and note down your actions. I will send you exercises and homework via email to help you make progress in between sessions. It is your responsibility to track your progress and do the exercises so that you can make the most out of the programme.
Frequency and expiry
Momentum is key to achieving the results you want from coaching. It is recommended to have a coaching session weekly, or at least twice monthly. We will agree frequency of coaching in our first coaching session.
The coaching programmes will have expiry dates as follows:
Career Freedom programme (12 sessions)- will expire after 6 months from purchase.
The 6 session packages will expire after 3 months respectively
Saboteur Discovery session - will expire within 2 months of purchase
Visual Coaching session - will expire within 2 months of purchase
Privacy and confidentiality
All the information you share with me - from our first contact to your post-coaching feedback - will be confidential. At the end of our coaching agreement I will ask for feedback and a testimonial. I will only use the testimonial in my marketing after I receive your written consent.
I have a privacy policy which talks about how I deal with your details on and off my website. You can find my privacy policy here: www.tineketammescoaching.com/privacy-policy
I am a member of the International Coaching Federation and I maintain the Code of Ethics and standards of behaviour set out in the ICF Code of Ethics.
Any questions
For any questions please email me at info@tineketammescoaching.com
What you can expect from coaching