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My approach

Career Freedom

How would it feel to be in control again? 


What would it feel like to be able to set your direction and taking steps - every day - to make that happen? 

What would it feel like to know EXACTLY what is important to you - what's ON your path and what you can say 'No' to without a second thought? To act from your inner wisdom? 

When you coach with me that's EXACTLY what we'll be doing. 

Coaching with me will mean that you will: 

  • Get calm and focused on YOU and what you want

  • Create clarity on your strengths and what's important to you

  • So that you can define EXACTLY what it is you want to do next in your career AND

  • Make it happen

My philosophy

I believe you already KNOW what you want. Controversial? Perhaps. But I believe this to be true.

I believe, deep down, your REAL SELF knows what you want.


The problem is that you may not have listened to your real self for a LONG time.


You've been so BUSY juggling work, home, kids, parents, LIFE, that you've only engaged your logical brain. You're the expert on making things WORK. On getting from A to B, whilst doing C, D and E on the way.


Except, in the process you've forgotten what you WANT, sometimes even who you ARE. 

When you and I work together I get you to listen again to what you really want. To bring your creative brain, the quiet one in the back, to the table. With deep listening, questions to make you think and my entire toolbox of exercises and support to help you do (more of) what you LOVE, create the vision for what you WANT in your career (and life) and for making THAT a reality. 

My Coaching framework
my services

Here on my website you will find a number of services. My most impactful and most comprehensive programme is the Career Freedom 1:1 coaching programme, with which I help you get clear on your career direction, plan your path towards that and provide you with the support and accountability to make that happen. 

But that's not all! Over the years, in my work with women I've found two things: 


My Career Freedom coaching programme starts with you: with carefully unpeeling the layers to figure out who you ARE and what you WANT. 

Some of you find this really HARD. You don't KNOW what you want! You've been so busy doing what's EXPECTED, that this switch is almost impossible. 

It's why I've chosen to bring the Positive Intelligence programme into my coaching offering.


It helps you to quieten your inner voices (your Saboteurs), so that you can start listening to the REAL YOU (your Sage). It helps you bring your creativity and wisdom to the fore and create that fulfilling career and life. 

Also available as a group programme. 

2. Making it HAPPEN

When you and I work together we'll be focusing on who you are, on what you WANT and on creating a plan to make it happen. 

Most commonly my clients come away with a short term, a medium term and a long term plan: 

  • Short term: get a (new) job and/or be happier at work

  • Medium term: move into the career you want

  • Long term: fulfilling the VISION you'll be creating in our work together

Your vision might include setting up your own business or a side-hustle, moving abroad, starting a creative project, writing that book or living a more creative, fuller LIFE. 

With a powerful combination of mental fitness, career AND creativity coaching I can support you in not only coming away with the PLANS, but creating momentum and accountability to make it HAPPEN. 

No change without action, after all!

THIS is what your journey could look like:

Are you ready to create YOUR Career Freedom

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