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21 - 25 October 2024

Create 2 Change Challenge

FIVE day CREATIVE challenge to start making that ONE change in your life

Do you want to make a change but can't seem to get going? THIS is for you!

Tineke Tammes leaning her face on one hand

Hi, I'm Tineke

Creativity is my *thing*. Which sounds ... weird? for a career coach. But let me tell you why I think creativity is KEY to your (career) change​


First of all: you NEED your creative brain. To come up with ideas for the next steps in your career. To solve problems IN your career (and at home). For your happiness and wellbeing. Oh, and because creativity, BEING creative, is FUN! That too. 


But secondly? You ARE creative! Some of you have creative DREAMS: you want to set up your own business, write a book, be a painter or a sculptor, have a creative side-hustle. 


It's often part of the long-term plan my clients come away with (alongside their short and medium term plans).


I LOVE being creative and helping YOU to unlock your creative brain. Yes, to change or transform your career. But also to unlock some of those long-held dreams and aspirations and to help you be happy at work. 


​This challenge? Is all about unlocking YOUR creative brain. So that you - TOO - can start making YOUR change happen. 


You ready? 

Unlock your creative brain to make your (career) change happen

5 day challenge

21 - 24 October 2024

​​​In this challenge you will: 


Day 1 - EMPATHISE - Identify what is STOPPING you from taking steps (even that very FIRST step!) to start making changes to your work (and life)


Day 2 - EXPLORE - Start thinking about who you really ARE and what you're GREAT at


Day 3 - NAVIGATE - Create space so that you can uncover what you WANT


Day 4 - INNOVATE - Engage your creative brain to help you dig up OLD ideas and identify NEW ideas 


Day 5 - ACTIVATE - Start taking INSPIRED ACTION to keep moving forward

Ready to start creating change? 

What you will get

  • Five daily emails with ONE lesson, ONE reflection exercise and ONE creative task to complete. Simply reply with ONE word to let me know you've completed the task


  • A FREE 45 minute Saboteur Discovery Call with me to understand the impact of YOUR inner critic(s) on your happiness, your career and your relationships


  • Simple strategies you can implement in your daily life RIGHT NOW with no other commitment than to yourself and your happiness


  • The knowledge on how to continue taking daily steps forward to changing your career (and life) for the better


  • An End of Challenge celebration on Friday 24 October to celebrate YOUR progress and next steps!



Tineke Tammes leaning against fence looking to the left


Are you ready to start creating? 

Let me be your personal guide in unlocking your creative brain, understanding WHY you're stuck (and what to do about that) and taking your FIRST STEPS towards making change happen. 


Creativity showed me and my clients the way to new careers, long term ambitions AND forgotten dreams - WHILST having lots of creative fun along the way. 


Are YOU ready to Create 2 Change? 

Woman's hands holding tablet
Image by Tim Mossholder - Get the Creativity flowing
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