Career & creativity coaching for professional women

About you
Are you a woman feeling stuck in her career? Have you drifted into this career, and can you no longer remember when you actively took the decision to be here? Have you got a distinct feeling of 'Is this IT?'
I get you!
YOU don't want to stay stuck!
No, what you want is to wake up and feel excited about the day ahead of you. You want to do something that is meaningful, that makes a difference. You want to do something that's challenging, where you learn new things. You want to do something creative, BE more creative!
Of COURSE you do!
I'll tell you what, the fact that you're here is GREAT! You've already taken the first step and have acknowledged that you don't want to stay where you are.
You're an action-taker, a change maker, someone who believes she is worthy of MORE. And so you should!
So let me tell you a bit more about how you and I can work together.
your challenges
It's one of the first things you say to me:
'I don't really like to boast' or 'Well, I don't really know how to tell my story' or 'OF COURSE I'm also NOT very confident!'
And then you tell me your story. With ALL the amazing things you've done. The jobs you've had, the achievements, the things you've learned, what you're GREAT at.
You should be PROUD of your story and what you've achieved! Except you don't tell your story often enough! And when you do, you remember the 'bad bits'. The hard work, the arguments, the detours, the bad decisions. You tell your story from the inside out.
Which is why I'm offering this: a visual coaching session in which we get to document YOUR amazing story. Told by you, drawn by me.
Because I want you to see your story how I see it, how others see it. From the outside in, so to speak.
So that you can TELL your story. Often. Confidently. And yes, even colourfully.
Are you in?
You're working hard. And besides that you've got a whole LIFE to run. With children, parents, friends, a home to look after and yourself to keep reasonably fit.
But you're a bit - lost. You don't have time to THINK, let alone think about what you WANT.
You'd like to start making sense of everything that's going on in your brain. You'd like your inner Saboteurs, the inner critics in your head to just - well - SHUT UP for a moment, so that you can hear yourself think!
The Positive Intelligence programme is for you. With this app-based programme you'll build up your mental fitness, which will help you improve your performance, your relationships and your wellbeing.
But more importantly, it gives you the long-lasting tools to start listening to YOU, to start trusting yourself, so that you are ready to start figuring out what you WANT. Available on a 1:1 basis and as a group programme.
Book your Saboteur Discovery Call now to get started!
Creating GROWTH
What got you here, won't get you there. That's how the famous saying goes.
And you know this to be true.
Because whatever you've tried to change, nothing has stuck and created long-lasting change. Not at work, not at home.
You've DONE the Positive Intelligence programme and have experienced the profound impact on your performance, your relationships and your wellbeing. And now you want more. You want to apply this learning to everyday situations. You want to BE different. Be a better version of yourself somehow. So that you are better able to deal with whatever life throws at you.
GROW is for you if you want to continue growing your mental fitness.
Have you done the Positive Intelligence programme? We'll talk about how you can continue your learning journey in GROW.
Book a call to discuss YOUR coaching path.
Creating FREEDOM
You KNOW there's more to life than this. That feeling of 'Is this IT?' has been creeping up on you. And now you can no longer ignore it.
You want to do something different. You want to make a difference. Do something that has meaning for you. Something important to you.
If only you knew what that was ...
My Career Freedom programme is for you. It aims to help you move from that stuck place to having clarity on your career direction AND a plan to make it happen.
Do you have long-term ambitions? Do you want to make your dream HAPPEN? Already KNOW that you'd like long term support? Ask me about my one-year-of-coaching offer!
Want to take advantage of both the Career Freedom AND the Positive Intelligence programme? Want to be clear, confident AND mentally fit to take on the world? Ask about the VIP version of the Career Freedom programme!