Career & creativity coaching for professional women
Hi, I'm Tineke!
I am a Career & Creativity Coach - supporting professional women in creating fulfilling careers.
I work with women like you:
Professional women, 10, 15, 20 years in - often - corporate jobs who feel stuck.
Stagnated in their roles, frustrated and unhappy in the environment they find themselves in, with a distinct feeling of 'is this IT?'
They want OUT, but have NO TIME, no IDEAS, and lots (LOTS) of fears.
Which means that they stay in a role that is no longer right for them. Sometimes for years.
Costing them their motivation, their happiness and that of the people around them (just saying).
Why I coach
I'm going to let you in on a secret: I never knew there was such a thing as a coach. I knew about coach-ING, you know, as an activity. But that there was such a thing as a Career Coach? Someone who could help you navigate the choppy waters of a career change? Nope.
Only when I started my own coaching training did I find THAT out!
I don't want that for you. My clients find me earlier, MUCH earlier. At the beginning of that journey. When they're unhappy, or when they dare to start dreaming about 'what else' there is out there for them.
(Which means that THEIR career change journey takes much - MUCH - short than my 4-6 year journey 🙄).
Why the emphasis on creativity?
The women I work with are - dare I say it - hidden creatives.
I say hidden, because only when we start our journey together and we start awakening your creative brain, will you realise what you've been suppressing all this time: your innate creativity.
Which is where the magic happens.
First of all: you NEED your creative brain. To come up with ideas for your career. To solve problems. To provide solutions.
But secondly? You ARE creative! And some of you have creative dreams: you want to set up your own business, write a book, be a painter or a sculptor, have a creative side-hustle.
It's often part of the long-term plan my clients come away with (alongside their short and medium term plans).
This long-held dream - or this hidden wish - that comes to the fore in our coaching. So that's why I trained as a Creativity Coach too! To help you with making that dream come true.
how can I help?
You've already got one HUGE advantage over me: you KNOW about coaching. That there are coaches out there - including me - who have the experience, the tools, the knowledge, the LIVED experience of going through a HUGE career transformation themselves.
So, that's where I'd like to meet you:
When you're starting that journey
When you feel confused and stuck
When you know something has to change
When you KNOW there's more to you than this
When you feel stuck, frustrated, unhappy and want OUT (if only you knew where TO)
I can help. I've got a proven programme to help you move out of that stuck feeling and forward towards clarity on YOUR next steps - now and in the future.
If all of this ⬆️ sounds like you, let's talk!
Book a Discovery Call with me and let's get started.
Life's too short ... right?
My values
It's one of the FIRST things we'll be talking about in my Career Freedom coaching programme: your values. It's important, because having your values crushed at work is one of the BIG reasons why you feel frustrated and unhappy.
These are MY values:
My credentials
Over 25 years of corporate experience, 13 of which working in business change, helping businesses to achieve the benefits of their programme by supporting people through - often impactful - organisational and technological change.
Worked in a great number of organisations and industries - public and private sector, small, and large, from local and central government to engineering and consultancy.
In hindsight ALL my careers have been about change: from real estate projects to community development, from supporting others through organisational change to now supporting women through their individual (career) change.
I KNOW change. I've DONE change. I LOVE change!
Not only have I LIVED the emotional rollercoaster of a career change, I've condensed all the knowledge and experience of working ALL those years in change, my coaching experience AND my own career change into a proven process to support you in accessing your inner wisdom and creativity, getting clear on what you WANT and in creating a plan AND executing it!
I'm an ICF qualified coach with years of coaching experience. (Want to know more about what others think? Read my testimonials).
I have recently trained with Eric Maisel in creativity coaching, so that I can support you in making your long-term creative dreams come true.
I am currently in training to become a Positive Intelligence Coach, which supports you in accessing your inner wisdom and creativity easier and quicker (so that you can answer the question 'what is it I WANT' with clarity and confidence)
I have project management and change management qualifications (Prosci Change Management Practitioner) so that you can feel confident knowing that I KNOW how you feel and have the tools and experience to support you when going through change! (Oh, and I can help you create a great transition plan too - AND hold you accountable.)
My career (change) story

I - too - went through an impactful career change. It took me four years to get clear on what I WANTED and two more to make my career coaching business a reality.
This is my career (change) story, with all the ups and downs, the waves and changes along the way.
(This is my Visual Bio. Do YOU want a Visual Bio? You can! Go here to book your Visual Coaching session in which we document YOUR career (change) story.)
Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Recognised as one of the Top Career Coaches by Coach Foundation